Many people ask why I called my publishing business Daisy Lane. When I was little, as a family, we would visit my grandparents house every Sunday for a roast dinner. I'd delight in walking down their drive to the back entrance week after week, pulling a daisy from each bush on either side of the drive to give to grandma. It was always a visual delight and I could never get enough of their scent.
I'd then run into the back door to be greeted by my grandfather. He always sat at the end of their dining table and would hold his arms open ready for me to jump into them. I'd snuggle down on his knee, wrap his arms around me and then he'd read me a story. I can't remember what he read, but will always remember how his voice sang with each word and how I always felt loved and safe in his arms.
Every time I pick up a pen to write, or a book to read, my thoughts go to him. He wasn't an educated man, taught himself to read and taught me the value an education would bring. Even today, when I need to concentrate really hard to get something finished, or just need that creativity to flow, I'll get some daisies, put them in a vase and place them in front of me. He will always be in my heart and will always be with me any time I hold a book.
He taught me that all children have the right to feel safe and secure and that with an education we can all be fully informed and inspired with everything in life. Most of all, he taught me the power of books, and the magic of storytelling and how we can change our lives and the world we live in through sharing these stories. This is what I aim to achieve with Daisy Lane.